On 11-08-04 10:38 AM, TDO_Brandano - wrote:
try running download_and_compile.sh (-an -pn) DATA

the -an switch disables the apt-get update, and -pn disables the apt-get upgrade, you won't really need those for the data anyway.


Thanks Alessandro, I more or less tried that, at least the DATA part. I agree I don't need the apt stuff but it's not hurting me I don't think.

When I do download_and_compile.sh DATA, I get the git error:

You asked me to pull without telling me which branch you
want to merge with, and 'branch.master.merge' in
your configuration file does not tell me, either. Please
specify which branch you want to use on the command line and
try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>').

And when I do download_and_compile.sh -s DATA (for the stable version of fgdata), I get:

You asked to pull from the remote 'origin', but did not specify
a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote
for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line.

These two problems are around line 687 of the download_and_compile.sh script.

I noticed that there were in fact 7.2 GB in the fgdata/.git folder (and no other folders present within fgdata at all), so it seemed all the downloading had been done, just none of the git magic to actually show any files.

After googling the above git messages, it seems I can run "git pull origin master" (instead of what the script has, "git pull origin"), so I manually ran this and about 5 GB of Aircract, Models, and other folders are now there, so I think I am over the hurdle for now.

However the script does not appear to be working as automatically as it is described so it would be nice if the script and/or the Scripted Compile wiki page would be updated by someone who knows these git details. This is my first day with git (although I've used and administered cvs and svn extensively) so I'm just grasping at straws here.

Now when I run "sh run_fgrun.sh" it doesn't even take me to the Select Paths window with the greyed out Next button, it takes me directly to the Select an aircraft window, so I'm all good now. : - )

Okay, spoke too soon. When I click on an aircraft like "Cessna 172R" my mouse pointer turns to the please wait icon and nothing else seems to happen (5+ minutes now). Is this normal? Is it building a cached copy of the aircraft geometry or something?

I suppose this last question is getting into a -users list type question but I should explain that my desire to build this from source is to expand the nmea protocol output, as I asked about the other week on the -users list.



> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 09:59:29 -0400
> From: marth...@yahoo.ca
> To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] scripted compile from source... results in run_fgrun buttons greyed out, or fgfs cannot open shared object file
> On 11-08-03 08:22 PM, Csaba Halász wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:22 AM, marthter<marth...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> >> I also have separately installed FlightGear via the package manager, so I > >> tried pointing FG_AIRCRAFT at what appears to be the Aircraft directory,
> >>
> >> Also when I guessed at what to put for the terrasync exe spot, which I found > >> in ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin/terrasync, the Next button is still greyed
> >> out.
> > No idea about fgrun, but these two settings are optional. FG knows to
> > look for the default aircraft in FG_ROOT/Aircraft, you only need to
> > set this if you have an additional custom location. Terrasync is not
> > required.
> Okay thanks for the clarification.
> okay, well the pre-filled defaults in that run_fgrun Wizard, as (I
> assume) set up by the download_and_compile script are:
> 1. Executable:
> /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/bin/fgfs
> ...which exists and is executable:
> $ ll /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgfs/bin/fgfs
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 mmuc mmuc 135333892 2011-08-03 17:38
> /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgfs/bin/fgfs*
> 2. FG_ROOT: /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/fgdata
> ...which exists but has not much in it:
> $ ll /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/fgdata
> total 12
> drwxr-xr-x 3 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 10:43 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 5 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 10:43 ../
> drwxr-xr-x 8 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 15:27 .git/
> 3. FG_AIRCRAFT: [blank]
> /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/fgdata/Scenery
> ...which doesn't exist as shown in the FG_ROOT directory listing above
> 5. Terrasync exe: [blank]
> 6. Airports Cache: /home/mmuc/.fltk/flightgear.org/fgrun//airports.txt
> ...which does not exist but I'm guessing it will be created after I
> eventually get to run this successfully.
> So although I'm a newbie and not knowing what to expect in each folder,
> I would nonetheless assume that #2 and #4 are the problem causing
> run_fgrun's Next button to be greyed out. Can anyone comment/agree?
> I've retried "sh download_and_compile.sh DATA"... should this fix the
> above missing folder contents or is there something else I should be
> doing? Anyway I'm currently getting an error from gitorious.org within
> the "sh download_and_compile.sh DATA" output (although I don't think
> this was a problem when I ran the script yesterday and days before):
> $ sh download_and_compile.sh DATA
> **************************************
> * *
> * Warning, the compilation process *
> * is going to use 9 or more Gbytes *
> * of space and at least a couple of *
> * hours to download and build FG. *
> * *
> * Please, be patient ...... *
> * *
> **************************************
> Asking your password to perform an apt-get update
> Ign http://extras.ubuntu.com natty InRelease
> ...
> Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/universe Translation-en_CA
> Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/universe Translation-en
> Reading package lists... Done
> Asking your password to perform an apt-get install ...
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> automake is already the newest version.
> build-essential is already the newest version.
> ...
> libqt4-dev is already the newest version.
> subversion is already the newest version.
> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> ****************************************
> **************** FGFS ******************
> ****************************************
> gitorious.org[0:]: errno=No route to host
> gitorious.org[0: 2a02:c0:1014::1]: errno=Network is unreachable
> fatal: unable to connect a socket (Network is unreachable)
> $
> >> I also tried this without using run_fgrun, but just using fgrun:
> >>
> >> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgrun/bin
> >> $ ./fgrun
> >> ./fgrun: error while loading shared libraries: libosgParticle.so.66: cannot
> >> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> >> $
> >>
> >> I also tried without using
> >> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin
> >> $ ./fgfs
> >> ./fgfs: error while loading shared libraries: libosgFX.so.66: cannot open
> >> shared object file: No such file or directory
> > These are normal, the wrapper scripts contain code to set
> > LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that the system can locate the required
> > dependencies. You can of course do that manually too. Note that you'll
> > have to supply fgfs with the path to the data directory using the
> > --fg-root option. Verify that the script downloaded the data for you.
> > Should be easy to notice, it is a>3GB download :) Looks similar to
> > what you have found in the installed package (but the two versions are
> > not compatible).
> okay well the total folder structure that download_and_compile created
> is almost 9 GB:
> $ du -ms .
> 8906 .
> ...but as noted above, there is next to nothing in the
> ~/flight.simulator/install/fgfs/fgdata directory.
> Thanks again and I will appreciate a little more feedback if anyone can
> see what I'm missing.
> Martin
> > I suspect your GIT error message might indicate
> > failed data download.
> >
> > For the already filled out paths in the fgrun page, verify that those
> > actually exist and are readable.
> >
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