HB-GRAL wrote:

> I checked some airports the last days. You can not say that FlightGear 
> or X-Plane data is accurate and the rest of the mapping world is missing 
> the "points".

Sure, DAFIF (which is the source to most of 'our' runways) is neither
error-free nor complete.  That's why corrections are being applied to
'apt.dat' all the time.  Anyhow I'd warn against taking too drastic
measures by discrediting these thousands of aeronautically precise
pairings of runways, ILS'es, DME's and the like which are part of
'apt./nav.dat' just because you've probably found a few dozend of
inaccurate runways.

I'd happily be convinced that there's something better than Robin's
collection, but I'm convinced that people are likely fooling themselves
(and others) by under-estimating the effort to build a database which
would serve as a suitable as a replacement.

Folks, if you really have something better, show it to us.  Show where
it is, show that the license or terms of use allow us to create Scenery
from it to ship with FlightGear, demonstrate that it's at least as
accurate as our 'apt./nav.dat' are and demonstrate how to make
practical use of it.  Keep in mind that just counting the number of
airports listed in the collection still doesn't make a functional ILS
Until then, everybody is invited to improve our current collection  ;-)

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