Hi Thorsten,
> I have just started on the new gui, and he first sketch is in my
> forum-posted snapshot of the terrain haze shader.

Thanks for the explanation. Emilian had already pointed me to the corresponding 
forum thread. I do have the terrain haze shader in a local branch of fgdata, 
and did notice your new gui: I just hadn't realized that the key to getting 
local whether was there. Both the local weather and the terrain haze threads 
are the ones I follow quite closely, but I missed the part about the dynamic 
weather option I'll try it tonight. 

> But (as you observed), unfortunately my laptop seems to be gone for good -
> apparently the motherboard is dead and can't be fixed locally, so while I
> don't really have data loss, it seems I need either a new computer or send
> it in, both of which may take a while. Currently I'm sitting on my 8 year
> old spare laptop, which is good for emails, but doesn't have either
> performance or harddisk space for a Flightgear development environment.

Good luck! 


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