On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Fernando García Liñán wrote:
> Hello Stephan,
> It looks nice so far! But someone has already improved it, you can find more
> info here: http://flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=10187

The changes Fernando refers to were applied before the 2.4.0 release, so any
changes that Stephan has made will be in addition. There's always room
to improve the aircraft further!

As Torsten says, working from git will ensure that your changes will be
against the very latest version of the aircraft, and will avoid hitting
incompatibility issues (as you may see from the referenced forum topic).

I currently maintain the c172p.  The only other changes I'm aware of are
some significant updates that Gijs was working on prior to the 2.4.0 release.
I don't know whether he's still working on them - Gijs?

Finally, if you've got some very straightforward changes, such as a texture
update, you can just email them to me, and I'll see if I can apply them.


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