On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 4:53 AM, James Turner <zakal...@mac.com> wrote:
> On 26 Dec 2011, at 00:54, Gary Neely wrote:
>> For quite some time many models will endlessly spew the following
>> warning to the console:
>> Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after 
>> RenderBin::draw(..)
> I'm having something which *may* be similar. To check if it's the same issue, 
> please set the following environment variable, and run fgfs again:
> And post the actual attribute number that is logged)
>> This may be dependent on graphics cards-- I have an ATI-based HD 3850
>> from a few years ago, so maybe many folks don't see this warning. I
>> think there's also a way to suppress it. But it was bugging me that my
>> own older models spew this warning while my newer efforts don't. At
>> first I figured it was a 3D model or shader issue, but I found that
>> eliminating all 3D models and animations down to a simple non-textured
>> cube had no effect.
> That sounds like a different issue to mine, but we shall see. In general, the 
> Ati drivers seem much stricter in checking state that the nVidia drivers 
> accept and tolerate.
>> Working under FG 2.4 with various -set.xml files, after a lengthy
>> process of elimination and replacement I finally found what is
>> triggering the warnings: the 'radar' instrumentation module. When I
>> remove that module from the instrumentation import XML, the warnings
>> stop. The radar module is included in the generic instrumentation file
>> that many aircraft use, Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml,
>> which explained why so many planes generate the warning.
> That's strange indeed - as you say, the radar should not be used if not 
> included, since it can eat a few FPS to generate the texture. Its state-sets 
> are pretty simple, so I will be very interested to see what error is reported 
> once you set the environment variables above.
> James


Setting the above environment variable (I'm using Windows XP) changed
the warning output to:

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' after applying
attribute View port 16776AD0

I loaded various planes that used the radar module and all generated
the above warning, but the "View port" value was different for each
plane and usually different for each run using the same plane.


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