I'm planning to update our "Landcover-DB", the PostgreSQL/PostGIS
database behind our MapServer and Scenemodels web sites to PostGIS 2.x
(actually SVN trunk) over the next days.
This procedure involves a little bit of schema mangling and, even
though I did a couple of tests over the last months, I didn't have a
test case that big (just the "landcover" DB, including indices, is more
than 300 GByte in size).

If everything works as expected, the transition will be completed by
the end of this year at latest.
During the first phase of transition (dumping the databases) writes to
the DB will be prohibited.  Afterwards the entire DB will be offline
until all tables, indices and constraints are restored.

I'll be posting a short comment on the current state on the
"mapserver." and "scenemodels.flightgear.org" web sites and Olivier
will provide the required information on The Forum.

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