On Mon, 2012-01-02 at 17:10 +0000, Martin Spott wrote:
> Martin Spott wrote:
> > Shapefile download might/should be working again. Please test,
> > particularly the assigned reference system, and report.
> If people don't think it's worth testing, then I might think it's not
> worth maintaining ....
>       Martin.
Hi Martin,

Just tried a 4x4 degrees around YGIL - 
  N -29, S -33, W 146, E 150

Downloads from the WEB page -

(a) Custom Scenery - worked fine... zip downloaded and 
appears valid... and has 11 shapefiles... 44 files...

(b) CLC2000v13 - got a 404 error - Not Found

The requested URL /download/1e82c1e0-6193-47d1-8af4-692aa2b30017.zip 
 was not found on this server.

Repeated, with same 404, different zip -

The requested URL /download/b7668570-9f06-4cf6-981a-bbb465901c5c.zip 
was not found on this server.

(c) OpenStreetMap - appeared to work fine... a zip downloaded 
and appeared valid... BUT contains just one file, COPYING???

And the contents of this COPYING file was -
Map data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA


And repeating the download got the same result!!! ;=((

(d) But doing individual layer downloads, like osm_rail, 
osm_river, osm_tertiary - the only 4 tried at this time,
worked fine... shapefiles look good...

So I got problems just with (b) CLC2000v13 and 
(c) OpenStreetMap... 

But since it was my first try with both of these, 
do not know if it is the result of the recent changes, 
or if it has existed for some time...

Direct URL downloading...

Have not yet had a chance to again test direct URL 
down loading, but will get around to it, and advise any 

This programmed URL downloading is the method I use 
normally, usually from within a script/program, and this 
worked fine on my last downloads a week or so back...

Will test more as time permits, and the need develops ;=))


To me this is a VERY valuable service, but I guess there 
are just not that many people into their own scenery 
building, ;=(( It is quite an undertaking...

And many that do sometimes use other data sources... with 
more detail... especially since the 'swirlies' rendering 
bug appears FIXED with the new BTG versions...

But this could/should change as 'easier' TG tool building 
methods get around, and more is done on GUI scenery 
building tools... must find the time to continue my 
efforts in this regard ;=))

Everybody, and their dog, at least 'speak' frequently 
about the 850 apt data, with its curved taxiways...



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