Hi Geoff, thanks for extensive testing. Just a few, short comments, as
our little son is about to board his bed ....

Geoff McLane wrote:

> Just tried a 4x4 degrees around YGIL - 
>  N -29, S -33, W 146, E 150
> (b) CLC2000v13 - got a 404 error - Not Found
> The requested URL /download/1e82c1e0-6193-47d1-8af4-692aa2b30017.zip 
> was not found on this server.

CLC is CORINE Land Cover, a project of the EEA, the European
Environmental Agency and therefore covers Europe only.  I have to admit
that the error message is a bit misleading and will try to imagine a
more appropriate report.

> (c) OpenStreetMap - appeared to work fine... a zip downloaded 
> and appeared valid... BUT contains just one file, COPYING???

Mmmmh, I have to admit this sounds like a bug. I'll check.

Thanks so far,

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