Am 28.12.2011 16:04, schrieb
>> 8) Local Weather has no precipitation rendering. This is due to the fact
>> that the system uses its own layer altitude definition and a 3d
>> definition
>> ..
> Still to be fixed. I tried a workaround using negative cloud altitudes
> with respect to a very high layer, but Stuart's system doesn't accept
> that, so I really can't fix this myself.
That should be easy to do - I'll have a look after the release if nobody 
is faster.
>> 9) Water shader (very impressive!!!) doesn't react to wind/overcast in
>> ..
> The current implementation works by writing into the Global Weather config
> which does the trick. Let me know as soon as a different interface is in
> place and I'll change the code accordingly.
We should agree on a common place to publish actual surface wind (for 
one or many given locations?) in the property tree. /environment/config 
is definitely not the best place to use but due to historical reasons, 
many objects rely on these properties (windsock, chimneys/smoke, many 
more). Someday, we also might want to have winds aloft data for one to 
many locations and altitudes, so it might be worth to think about a good 
concept for that (but also, after the release ;-)
> Recent version of Local Weather (still lacks updated documentation),
> please test:

13215 lines of Nasal code. Wow, this is probably our all-time record for 
a Nasal based system ;-)

I hope we find a way to integrate "global weather" and "local weather" 
into just "weather" one day which provides the full range, from simple 
2d-layered clouds without shaders to the full-sized weather model in 
just one system. Hopefully not with a plain Nasal implementation, but by 
using existing and new FlightGear systems and Nasal.

Together with fred's shadows, this should be a good reason for a version 
number of 3.0.0!

Voi hyvin


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