On 28 Sep 2012, at 12:49, James Turner wrote:
> I'll test completely reverting the FGControls change here, and report back.

Okay, FGControls was inheriting SGSubsystem, but not actually behaving like one 
- that's fixed now, and things seem correct here. Please test and confirm or 
deny :)

Once odd thing - init() was setting cowl-flaps state to 0.0, but reset_all() 
was setting it to 1.0 - so it would have been 0 on startup, but 1.0 after a sim 
reset. I've restructured the code so we only have a single initialisation path, 
so as a result the cowl-flaps will now be 0.0 after a sim reset. If anyone 
thinks this is wrong, please let me know!

(This was the only FGControls variable with a different value between init and 


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