On Sunday, January 20, 2013 14:44:17 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > Yes. Any uniform needs to be handled by the driver. And any of them
> > takes cpu
> > cycles to load. I think having lots of them is one factor that accounts
> > for
> > the long draw times I see here. Looking at profiles the function
> > collecting
> > them and putting it into a buffer for use in the gpu is always in the
> > top 5
> > functions on the cpu where exactly this takes a lot of cpu time.
> > So, just putting a lot of uniforms somewere because the maximum allowed
> > number
> > is so far away is not a good idea.
> Well, that wasn't quite the question. I know that having lots of uniforms is
> more expensive than not having lots of uniforms. But if I want to have 10
> different hues of rock - is it preferable to create 10 different rock
> textures and manage those, or is it better to have one rock texture and a
> uniform vec3 for each?
> Likewise, if I have to decide between running 5 different shaders or one
> shader taking two uniforms to configure its action - what is more efficient
> (leaving aside the fact that just having one is vastly more
> maintenance-friendly).

Well, if you ask in that way, then the question is:
Do we need 10 different flavours of rock?

If your question means: if procedural textures are good or not.
I think that this is worthwhile to have and make a lot of sense. But I expect 
that for a very long time this will probably just look like bad chewing gum as 
realistic materials are a lot of work to make them look good. It's normal that 
this takes time and that it looks wierd in the first place.

As always if this is optional I am fine with that. I still think that a 
traditional fixed function renderer has its applications in certain areas. We 
had a sufficiently good lookin one there and if this would have been preserved 
this would still be applicable where it was sufficient.

And please finally teach your mailer not to drop the reply reference!
... if you write just one less of these lenghty mails you should be able to 
find that knob.


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