> Well, if you ask in that way, then the question is:
> Do we need 10 different flavours of rock?

If we want to look a scene roughly as it would in the location, the answer is 
yes - volcanic rock on Hawaii looks very different from Alpine rock in France. 
Rock in Iran looks very different again.

If we're happy with one recognizable generic fast-rendering look for 
Flightgear, the answer is no.

Personally I'm in the first camp.

The problem is that there's always somebody unhappy. People are unhappy because 
the base package download size is large, so we'd not want any more textures. 
People are unhappy because FG doesn't look like FSX, so we'd want better 
texturing. People are unhappy because framerates are bad, so we'd want less GPU 
load. People are unhappy because <insert name of game here> has grass moving in 
the wind and FG has not, so we'd want more fancy effects.

I'm trying to sort the reasonable from the unreasonable here and to identify 
genuine problems before they occur. The point is - less uniforms, more distinct 
textures render faster. Any rendering load can even be optional. What can not 
be optional is the size of your base package once I start adding textures to 
it. So it's a question of pain because a scene looks bad vs. pain because of 
large download vs. pain because of high performance needs. 

> And please finally teach your mailer not to drop the reply reference!
> ... if you write just one less of these lenghty mails you should be able  
> to find that knob.

This goes via a webmail interface that is managed by my University's beloved IT 
department - please don't ask me any more, or I would tell a few really good 
stories... Suffice to say, it doesn't seem possible to do. In the overall 
scheme of things, this is a minor annoyance...

* Thorsten
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