On Saturday, February 23, 2013 13:09:29 Stefan Seifert wrote:

> Why do you want the user to have to repeatedly press a key after starting
> the sim instead of setting the maximum visibility once and for all in the
> advanced weather dialog? In other words: why should the user press a key
> _n_ times instead of setting a slider once?

I don't care if it's _a_ key / slider / command line option/ registry 
setting/automagic ... just use one, and be consistent about it's use, is that 
so hard to do? 
If there's a docummented option (key shortcut, command-line switch, property 
setting) about setting that, is it so hard to obey it? 
If it's there chances are it's there for a good reason. 
Use that, don't go about creating layer after layer of property options that 
duplicate/triplecate existing ones, just because you can....and then expecting 
everyone else to fold in line.

I have nothing about the core of the Advanced weather engine, I have an issue 
of how you interact with it, and how it interacts with other parts of the 
whole system... and in my view this is broken. 

I also have nothing against the idea of the atmospheric scattering, I have an 
issue with how it's done, which is suboptimal in my view... and again of how 
you can interact with it/ how it affects other systems, and how it's affected 
other systems.

These are not just isolated litle bits that can do all they want without 
affecting anything, they're integrated into a bigger picture, and a small 
seemingly insignificant change can bring down the whole system, why? Just 
because someone saw that it's possible to set view distance to 1000 km, or 
that his gpu can handle 1k LOC in a shader.

And all this is solvable just by adding a crappy line of text as a warning in 
a dialog, and making a slider take the global setting. Just that. BUT no, we 
can't do that, because it's not a faithfull model of the real world then...
As if everything else would be much more than a few little rgb points on a 


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