Emilian wrote

> On Saturday, February 23, 2013 07:08:41 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> >A lot of stuff, mostly deflecting the discussion to other irelevant
> >points
> >
> > * Thorsten
> While I should know better than to answer to this, as it will again get
> deflected to other areas, let's  imagine ourselves a simple scenario:
> Let's say I'm an average user with a 32bit system, I can barely find my
> through the maze of menus and dialogs flightgear presents to me, and I
> to use this more advanced weather simulation engine. After I accidentaly
> find out how to enable it (it's hidden under a rather confusing
> selection "Model overall weather conditions based on metar"), great,
> "Fair weather" scneario,  Apply, OK, let's go flying.
> I muck around, wonder at the nice sky/clouds, notice that my visibility
> improved somewhat, then bam after 15 minutes flightgear crashes, uhm..
> oohh, why did that happen? That didn't happen before?
> All I did was change the way the weather is interpreted... What's wrong
> here???
> Well, now let's see what actually happens in a default flightgear
> (all settings are from preferences.xml, and Environment/local-weather-
> defaults.xml)
> ->trees are enabled by default
> ->default visibility with "Fair weather" is ~16km local weather comes in
> ->and sets a default value for max visibility of 120km
> (o.O), ok, that's a bit far, but in practice I see that's actually
hovering in the
> 40km range (+-10km based on altitude). (roughly 3x more than the default)
> So in the default scheme we load 9 tiles at startup, then we keep loading
> in the direction we're traveling, and those initial tiles remain resident
in the
> tile cache for a while (in case you decide to double back).
> But let's stay with the startup condition. when you ramp up the visibility
> 40km you demand 3 extra "rings" of tiles to be loaded. That would give you
> least 69 tiles loaded (81 if the "rings" are square). So that's an instant
> of 7-9x the memory requirements of the terrain + objects + trees (tres
> the largest contributor here), just because you click an option that says
it just
> _interprets_ the METAR string differently. Do you think that's an expected
> result? I don't.
> Well, our average user might have read the manual, might have mucked
> about with the visibility setting before, and he remeber that all things
> the same, visibility is what impacts performance/memory the most, so he
> decides to try again, this time trying to use z/Z to limit how far the
> goes, maybe he gets lucky and it won't crash again, but he's in for a
> z/Z doesn't work...
> You might argue that he should know better, go into the advanced settings
> dialog, figure out what all those sliders and selection boxes do, etc,
> But remeber, our user is an average one, he wants things to just work
> time, he might find a use for the more advanced configuration stuff, but
> now he's not interested, he just want to click something, and be done with
> it), The z/Z case above might be a lucky one where he might have read the
> manual.
> The problem is not with "Advanced weather" in itself, the problem is in
> details of a part of it, themost important part from the user POV. Your
> approach might work, given unlimited resources, but as it is Flightgear
has to
> run on a variety of puny little desktop/laptop machines. You have already
> implemented half of the control, is it so hard to implement the rest and
> provide a system that's consistent with the rest?
> Yes it breaks the "real world" scheme, but this is a simulation, we lie,
> crafted lies, that give a global impression of truth, of copying the real
> behaviour, but in the end they are lies. Fog/view-distance is one of those
> lies, they need just be plausible, not a faithful representation of the
> world (and a faithful representation of the real-world is practically
> given the current state of the technology).
> You are comfortable with abdicating from that when it suits you, but where
> really matters you defend the "minute detail faithfull representation of
> real world scheme" vigorously... Don't you think thre's something amiss
> here?
> As someone said in another thread, there are various techniques that are
> constrained by the "real-time" requirement, that do a pretty good job of
> giving you "real" results, but their place is not here. Here we have to do
> best to trick the mind, while doing that as fast as possible, with a
> usage of resources. Just because you can set visibility to 1000km doesn't
> mean you should, just because you can shove a lot of data into a shading
> scheme and get back "photoreal" results doesn't mean you should, if said
> results reduce performance, increase the probability of running out of
> memory, etc.
> You'll argue again with the IAR as an example. Well, take a look at those
> numbers again, and you'll see that for the amount of detail it presents to
> user it uses ~0.66 of the memory used by the bare terrain. I don't think
> unreasonable, others might think differently. (I could have very well
> modelled every rivet, nut and bolt on it, I didn't, why? because there are
> pretty good techniques of faking that, with plausible results. If you look
> hard you notice that the detail is all fake, that the reflection has
nothing to do
> with the actual environment etc... but that's irrelevant for the normal
> case)
> You look at view-distance/fog just as an atmospheric phenomenon, that you
> think should be represented verbatim, well it's not. It's not just that in
> case, and if for it to fulfil all its roles you need to abdicate from the
> aproach, well then I'm sorry but my opinion is that you should.
> I never claimed that it's the only resource management device, I only
> that it's role is  much more than just visual cue to the environment, and
> role should not be underestimated, or thrown aside...

I'm probably a day late and a dollar short here - but try as I will so far
I've failed to find a visibility slider under environment->weather. It's
probably staring me in the face - but could someone point it out to me?  


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