
>>  How could you say "you're both not even users of the scheme" ?
>> Yes i had at the beginning done some screenshots with the Dome project,
>> the period when i could use it without breaking others features.
>> I was, even, able to combine the Effects with the dome by unlocking the
>> conditions. To me the project was promising , until you engage to develop
>> deeply.

>Otherwise, when I say 'you are not a user', I mean that I have a mail in
my inbox which is signed with your name >from which I may quote the phrase
 "introducing some unusable features like the atmospheric light scattering"
- >which would appear to the English-speaking reader indicating  that you
don't use it.

Yes there not any contradiction ,since i said, quoting myself:
 "To me the project was promising , until you engage to develop deeply."
Where is your scientist mind?, since you are unable to apply an element on
an other corresponding right element,

Yes right now, ALS is not usable.
So the argument:" it don't need any Aircraft modification" , is falling
down by itself.

Well let's say the debate  to me it is close.
I thought it was closed before.

Ahmad (Henri)

BTW: Real scientist are using the acknowledge from others, nobody is able
to rebuild the world alone

On 29 April 2013 08:49, Renk Thorsten <> wrote:

> Vivian:
> > I don't want to download fgdata/fg/sg to find that I have to spend
> > hours fixing up my work. I'd rather get on with my own stuff.
> Your actions don't match your words. You're the remaining maintainer of
> the water effect in default. Its environment interface still doesn't
> support Advanced Weather. When you implemented it, it had zero
> communication with Advanced Weather, I had to spend hours to figure out how
> it gets light and wind info and then code a hack for Advanced Weather to
> make it work.
> If this is a real concern to you - there has been a long weekend to get
> busy and change the interface. Looking at GIT, you haven't done so and
> we're still using the incomplete hack. Any plans to change that in the near
> future?
> > I don't want to force developers to develop ac for one
> > scheme/framework rather than another.
> As pointed out for the 3rd time now, that is a hypothetical problem in
> ALS. Only Rembrandt requires separate Rembrandt and no Rembrandt versions
> of aircraft. Are you unable or unwilling to acknowledge that point?
> > I don't want to force users to choose between a nice atmospheric
> > effects or shadows, or anything else.
> I think I have said about 5 times now that I am perfectly willing to
> contribute to this, but I'm not doing it all on my own. I haven't seen you
> volunteer to help out here. I haven't seen you arguing with Fred that he
> should take care to help out. Somehow, it seems to be my fault.
> Also - you can burn framerate only once, and I have stated my opinion on
> that as well. My personal view is that OpenSource is about freedom, and
> freedom implies choice. It's nothing bad to deliver a rendering scheme for
> low end GPUs and one for high end GPUs and let the user pick, and I don't
> even see you acknowledging that argument. I acknowledge that we probably
> have a fundamental split of philosophy here: I see more merit in offering
> different choices to the user (think Linux with KDE or Gnome - I see myself
> well backed up by OpenSource tradition here) than in pre-selecting to the
> lowest common denominator we can all agree on so that the user doesn't have
> to choose. You see this differently, and we probably won't ever resolve
> this.
> Vivian, I don't see this getting any more constructive, and I don't have
> the impression that this is about me explaining to avoid a
> misunderstanding. I don't see my arguments acknowledged, much less refuted.
> I don't see you willing to take any action making the framework which you
> maintain accessible.
> So I will not justify the reasons behind what I do to you any further, and
> unless I see a constructive turn, I will also refrain from doing so in the
> future.
> Henri:
> >  How could you say "you're both not even users of the scheme" ?
> > Yes i had at the beginning done some screenshots with the Dome project,
> > the period when i could use it without breaking others features.
> > I was, even, able to combine the Effects with the dome by unlocking the
> > conditions. To me the project was promising , until you engage to develop
> > deeply.
> As explained several times over, when the skydome used the default terrain
> shaders, it produced glaring graphical artefacts. What I have done is the
> only possible series of changes which could have fixed this.  I'm sorry you
> are unable to understand that point, but maybe ask someone who does to
> explain it to you in detail.
> Otherwise, when I say 'you are not a user', I mean that I have a mail in
> my inbox which is signed with your name from which I may quote the phrase
>  "introducing some unusable features like the atmospheric light scattering"
> - which would appear to the English-speaking reader indicating  that you
> don't use it.
> > You pretend to be experienced and worry we don't use your know how,
> Emilian is
> >  experienced and you rejected his know how.
> > Would you say everybody but you is stupid.
> I'm a scientist. I don't believe in persons. I don't believe in Emilian,
> TIm, Fred or Mathias - I believe in verifiable facts and solid evidence. I
> believe that each of these person knows much, but that likewise each of
> these can get things wrong, and when anyone raises an issue, I make up my
> own mind by thinking it through and testing it myself. I don't think
> everyone else is stupid, but I do think everyone else can make mistakes
> just like me, and I have a very long professional experience in recognizing
> and dealing with my own mistakes.
> To expect that I would take advice from anyone without looking at the hard
> evidence available to me is unreasonable. I'm not impressed by titles,
> merits and experience - I argue with Nobel-price winners just as with
> students if I think they're wrong (I have done so on occasion).
> You will be able to verify that in each and every case someone backs up
> his critique with actual evidence which I can verify, I usually change my
> position quickly. You will also see me in these cases publicly acknowledge
> that I was wrong and crediting the person who corrected me. You will also
> be able to verify that if I have contrary solid  evidence, I won't change
> my position no matter who says anything to me.
> And that's all there is to it. Back up what you say with evidence and
> insight, and you'll find me easy to talk to. Make unverifiable claims, and
> you'll find it very difficult.
> > How could you say the Shadows system has come after ALS ?
> >
> > Looking  at the history  of Flightgear, i can notice the Shadows system
> > was a  feature in the old time, i have got from GRTUX's database  (
> inherited)
> > some old snapshot with Shadows.
> Yes, but it would seem you don't understand that Rembrandt is not
> primarily about generating shadows but about deferred rendering. May look
> to you similar, but is a completely different thing and is completely
> unrelated. Please ask someone who understand deferred rendering to explain
> the difference to you.
> I could likewise argue that there was a skydome in FG before shadows -
> same issue: looks similar, but isn't.
> > The modification to the aircraft to get it working is minor, i had to
> > update our hangar it took only 1 hour to update our hangar (21  officials
> > models + 12 non official ).
> Yes, but the modification to get aircraft running under ALS is usually
> zero, and yet everyone in this discussion sees it as a major problem. So it
> doesn't really matter how long it takes in practice.
> I would suggest that you take some time to get your facts organized before
> we carry this discussion any further. If this is needed at all.
> * Thorsten
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