On 18.06.2008, at 22:07, Anton Novikov wrote:

>> (from Roadmap) FLTK 1.3 is the current stable development branch  
>> based on FLTK 1.1.8. It will add internationalization, UTF-8  
>> (Unicode), and printing support, Doxygen based documentation, and  
>> several new widgets including Fl_Native_File_Chooser, Fl_Table, and  
>> Fl_Tree_View.
> somebody tell me, how it will get fltk1 nearer to fltk2 (except for  
> 1.3 being really nearer to 2.0 than 1.1.10 in ariphmetical sense)?  
> It just adds fltk2 features to fltk1. Codebases aren't getting any  
> nearer.

This roadmap is a result of polls and mail conversations after the  
1.1.8/9 release earlier this year. FLTK1 and FLTK2 have a user group  
with a large code base. For example, my code base (many hundreds of  
thousands of lines of code) uses FLTK1. Some of my apps are  
commercial, one runns CNC-milling machines (a crash in this app can  
cost serious money or even hurt people), some are OpenSource with 60  
or so users.

All these projects have in common that I have to rely on the libraries  
I use. Using FLTK2 is out of the question at this point - believe me,  
I tried. On the other hand, there are really only three things that  
are missing from F1 (for me and some other users) - the features  
mentioned in the roadmap.

>>> 2) Adding new bugs to it through merging with fltk2
>>> Both 1) and 2) add bugs, and add features. The key difference is  
>>> that
>>> after 2) we'll have two times less projects to improve and maintain.
>> Someone needs to take up 2.x and start fixing the bugs,  
>> particularly the
>> bugs that were fixed years ago in 1.1.x, and even more so the ones  
>> that
>> *were* fixed and have been re-broken. Then, maybe, we can look at  
>> moving
>> the 1.3 and 2.x trees together.
>> I haven't the time, nor the stength of will, to undertake that  
>> task, but
>> if somebody will, that would be a Good Thing.

> Sorry, but you miss my point. Once more, fixing bugs in fltk2  
> doesn't get codebases nearer. Merging then fixing is better than  
> fixing then merging. We should merge libraries, not their bug  
> trackers.

Unless you have a near-perfect compatibility layer and the trust of  
the users, no FLTK1 users will use that hybrid. It will take years to  
reach the reliability of F1.

> I think everybody realizes that either merging or throwing-out one  
> of the branches is a must-happen thing. The more we wait, the more  
> code will be wasted and the more painful will it be.

I agree. If you manage to motivate enough reliable dvelopers, I will  
join the merging process. I will not abandon F1 though for the reasons  
mentioned above.


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