Fabien Costantini wrote:

> fltk.development
> Ok, If we agree that we put the the api comments in the sources cxx files

I apologise for butting in here, but I'm not sure if this has been
addressed. If the doxygen comments are in the source files, then a user who
installed FLTK via RPMs (e.g. fltk-1.3.0-6190, fltk-devel-1.3.0-6190)
cannot refer to the installed header files for documentation? Presumably,
this doesn't matter I guess since in this case, the rpm would have most
likely installed the documentation files (eg. html -> /usr/share/doc/fltk.)
as well.

If this was discussed before, what was the reason for putting the doxygen
comments in the cxx files? I'm just curious as I tend to put them in the
headers files and I'm wondering if I should switch too.


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