Matthias Melcher wrote:
> On 15.02.2010, at 14:38, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>> Two big points that I would like to address in the near future:
>> (1) an alternate version of Fl_Scroll that doesn't need the scrollbars
>> in its children() array.  This would also make fix_scrollbar_order()
>> obsolete.  Ideally this would be API compatible with the old version,
>> so that code that accounts for the 2 more children doesn't break.  I'm
>> thinking of an alternate constructor or Fl_Scroll::compatibility(int),
>> or so...  Ideas welcome.  In the worst(?) case we would use another
>> widget name.
>> (2) all sorts of Fl_Group's child modification methods (add, remove,
>> insert, clear, etc.) should be virtual...
> Yes. And all child-related functions should already be in Fl_Widget. It would 
> not make the code bigger, but it would be oh so conviniet, particularly for 
> composite widgets.

I like this idea, but I remember that Bill started something like this
for FLTK 2 and he had to remove it because of complaints of others.
However, I don't remember why they complained - because it was buggy
or because it would have broken too much code. There's still a
branch named "widget_has_children":

[svn co]

And while we're talking about this: scrolling (and optional scrollbars)
would also be a nice property to have in Fl_Widget... ;-P

> I would allow two types of children, those that are dynamically accessible, 
> just like the current implementation, and those that are part of a composite 
> widget, like the scroll bars in Fl_Scroll.

That's exactly what I'm pondering about for a while (months?).

> Another example is the F_Input combined with a drop-down menu for presets. 
> This is currently derived from Fl_Group, which is wrong (but the only 
> possible way). It should obviously be derived from Fl_Input and add the 
> drop-down features. 

... or like ComboBox in Fltk 2: derived from [Fl_]Choice and adds the
[Fl_]Input.  I think that this would work in FLTK 1 as well, but didn't
investigate.  The smart part in this approach is that the main widget
area is _split_ into two parts (so that event handling, clipping, and
drawing works as expected), instead of _extending_ one widget and its
(x,y,w,h) area.  A simple handle() method can distribute the events
to the right subwidget (see below).

> So if Fl_Input had access to the functions handling children (or cousins, if 
> we need another name than children), this would be easy.

I call them "subwidgets".  A subwidget is a "private child" that is
_not_ part of the children() array of the main widget (or Fl_Group).
This would then be the scrollbars of Fl_Scroll, the second widget
of Fl_Input_Choice, or any widget that is used to extend another
widget and is either embedded or added with operator new.

I had already started an experimental branch (branch-1.3-composite) in
svn that would have solved some of the problems.  The key feature of
event handling is that a normal widget could be a parent() of another
[ private child | cousin | subwidget ].  There's no need to have an
externally accessible private children method or a general way of 
handling the private children (subwidgets).  The only reason why I
didn't add the modified Fl_Scroll widget at that time was compatibility:
this would have broken code that assumes that there are two extra
children in the group.

The other problem is drawing and clipping, if the subwidgets (like the
drop-down box in Fl_Input_Choice) are outside of the primary widget
area.  In my private copy I added a few simple methods like
Fl_Widget::event_inside() that acts similar as Fl::event_inside(), and
something like Fl_Widget::not_clipped() that acts similar as
fl_not_clipped(), but lets the (composite) widget decide what its area
is.  I could go on, but ...

that's stuff for FLTK 1.4 or later, isn't it?

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