Emil Cataranciuc wrote:
> Hello!
> Do you guys have some coding conventions for FLTK project?
> I am looking at the code and it is all messed up. At least when editing in 
> vim indentation is bad, but of course that is not the biggest problem.

        I'd suggest reporting indent issues with an STR.

        Indenting of FLTK source should look correct in vi/vim with default 

        Question: do you have vim configured with a tabstop set to something 
other than
        the vim defaults? If so, that might be the reason.

        FLTK source code should look correct in more(1) or cat(1), or from a 
DOS window
        with either 'more' or 'type'. If your vim editor looks different than 
        the file with any of those commands, suspect vim customizations for tab 
related settings
        that are other than the default.
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