> Somebody uses spaces instead of tabs for indenting so that is why
> indentation is messed up (at least I think so). I have tried cat,
> more, vim with default options and all of them gave me the same
> output (multiples of 2 spaces indent).

The FLTK-1 coding standard specifies the 2 space indent, and I think
the same rules apply to FLTK-2. Please don't reformat the code because
it makes it harder to track real changes and debug problems.

> P.S. By the way, I am talking about FLTK 2. I am planing to develop
> it further. I see no point in starting a new FLTK version (3) with
> the same features but more widgets.

Ah, but FLTK-3 will be more than that. FLTK-2 was a fork of FLTK-1,
but development stalled, while FLTK-1 development continued because
there were too many users with commercial software based on FLTK-1.
So at the moment, FLTK-1 is actually more up to date than FLTK-2.
FLTK-3 will be an un-fork to bring FLTK-1 and FLTK-2 back together.

This "What are the versions of FLTK?" article might explain it better:


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