On 03.05.2010, at 08:45, Emil Cataranciuc wrote:
>> Emil Cataranciuc wrote:
>>> I was reading Configuration Management Plan I have found that Version 
>>> numbering
>>> guidelines are not respected.
>>      Specifics?
> Version numbering rules are not respected at all:

These are release version numbers, as noted in the CMP. There have not 
been any beta releases in the last few years, but there have been normal 
MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and "release candidate" MAJOR.MINORrcBUILD releases. 
You can find the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH releases on the download page.

> But all versions are named something like MAJOR.MINOR.x-rxxxx.

These are weekly snapshots of current code, as it is in the subversion 
repository at version xxxx. They are not official releases.

> First of all r was not specified in the specifications.
> Second, it does not look like the rules specifies.

You're right, this should probably be explained in the CMP and/or on the 
download page. I don't know if you can find the rc versions on any mirrors.

> Or maybe I did not understood right that part? If that is so then explain 
> please.


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