On 23.01.2012 22:54, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> One of the things I liked about the old 1.1.x docs
> was we were able to make comments against the docs.
> Kinda handy for users.

... to ask support questions and make suggestions for changes
where they don't belong ;-)

> Not sure how to pull this off with doxygen, but perhaps
> we can make a post-process for our doxygen website pages
> that hooks some HTML at the bottom of all the doxygen pages
> that allows users to comment.

Yeah, the old approach (with FLTK 1.1) was IIRC to display a
standard header, then followed by the normal HTML page, and then
by the form needed to show and add comments. Or similar...

Unfortunately this didn't work with the doxygen docs, maybe for
three or more reasons:
  (1) they used their own .css file(s) [conflict with the standard css]
  (2) the doxygen docs used html frames
  (3) doxygen docs are known to change their filenames/URL's sometimes
  (4...) don't know...

Hence I disabled the feature, as it was done for fltk 2.0 before.
Check out the subversion website and see file documentation.php...

The problem with changing filenames (URL's) is that the existing php
script stores comments in the FLTK DB with the URL as a key. Changing
the key (filename) with a subsequent doc upload will render the existing
comment(s) useless. I wouldn't know how to solve this. :-(

> Perhaps a special documentation/Makefile target can be added
> to do this.
> I'm willing to look into it.

Good luck...

> I know the website will be changing
> soon, so I'll probably try to make it as generic as possible,
> perhaps with server side includes or javascript or some such.

The change might be to another server where we can have the same
environment (if this were done as suggested by Torsten Giebl on
Filemedia.de). So you should at least take a look at how it is
done for fltk 1.1.

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