On 01/26/12 03:17, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>>      I actually wasn't thinking of using a php wrapper this time
>>      to insert the dynamic content as we have now in 1.1.x
> FYI: That's not how the current "documentation.php" works. No URL's
> must be parsed and rewritten. The only things the current php script
> parses are a few tags like <body>. The other (URL parsing) things
> are obviously Apache magic ;-)

        Ah, OK, I'll pull the website to see what documentation.php
        is doing.

        Yes, it does look like it's doing what my search and replace
        script is doing, but in realtime on each page reload.

        Thing is, php is not a language I work with much.
        Used it a bit about 10 yrs ago, but decided I could do most of
        what I needed with javascript+perl, so I switched to that
        just to keep the number of languages I worked in to a minimum,
        thinking I'd go back to php if I ran into a problem I couldn't
        solve without it.

        It's interesting how the relative links in the docs are all
        automatically rewritten to include the documentation.php part
        of the urls.. not a trick I'm familiar with. Looks useful!
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