On 17 Mar 2012, at 22:58, J. Liles wrote:

>> When was this? I seem to recall Bill was looking at Cairo rendering for some 
>> of the fltk-2 experiments, but that must be many years ago now. I can't 
>> imagine he's looked at that recently though.
>> If he did anything, it'll be in the fltk-2 svn, for what it's worth, though 
>> porting that into fltk-1.3 (or indeed fltk3) would be far from painless.
> Argh! Indeed! There it is, right in the 'deprecated' 2.0 branch! Full
> Cairo rendering! All you have to do is configure --enable-cairo.
> Nobody bothered to tell me this before I spent a week duplicating the
> effort? I have to say, the FLTK development process is a total
> cluster**** if you guys don't even have a clue that you already have
> this in 2.0.

*Nobody* knows what is in 2.x. Not even the people who did the work on it...

It was worked up by several very bright individuals (with, often, somewhat 
conflicting visions of where they were actually going with it all) who 
subsequently got distracted by sparkly things elsewhere, for their various 

In the meantime, us mere foot-soldiers were struggling to beat the bugs out of 
the 1.x series, since something that worked was more immediately useful than 
something shiny.

So... 1.3 is robust and stable, but not very shiny. 2.x has some nice sparkly 
bits, but a list of bugs this long (maybe longer) and no one really knows what 
it does or does not do...

Anyway, saying we "already have this in 2.0" is slightly misleading, since the 
lower-level 2.x code has been, um, "unreliable" in places and is mainly *not* 
an easy drop-in for the low-level stuff in the 1.x series.

So, it appears there is working code for a Cairo backend in the 2.x tree, but 
how well tested it is is anyones guess - I'm going to guess at "not very" but 
would be delighted to be wrong. My understanding (such as it was) was that the 
fltk-2 Cairo code was only a proof-of-concept and did not actually work in any 
useful way - does it work well for you? I must say I am surprised, then, as I 
didn't believe we had that at all. Who knew?

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