On 03/19/12 15:09, J. Liles wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Ian MacArthur <imacart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've done this mainly because, despite spending many hours
> of trial and error, I cannot seem to get Cairo to reliably draw 1px
> thick lines at integer coordinates (even using the device space
> translations and the 0.5 offset trick). Sometimes the lines are 1px,
> sometimes they are 2px, and this results in lots of little drawing
> errors. 

        Perhaps this helps, which talks about why the 0.5
        doesn't always work:

        It refers to the cairo faq, emphasizing the 0.5 offset
        only works if you offset "in the appropriate direction",
        details here:

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