On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Ian MacArthur <imacart...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 21 Mar 2012, at 03:52, J. Liles wrote:
> > Another update,
> >
> > I've pushed code to the 'cairo-device' branch in my fltk repository
> > which improves the alignment issues and makes most of the boxtypes
> > render the same with and without cairo. Also, cairo rendering is
> > disabled by default... Use fl_push_use_cairo( true ) in the code, or
> > pass the '-cairo' commandline option to enable.
> OK - got it; Yup, looks pretty good.
> Line types etc still an issue, but most of the rendering artefacts are
> fixed now in my test build, so that's all very good. Looks just like
> before, only, you know, better... circular widgets (clock demo etc)
> particularly nice.
> Maybe we can try to work this stuff onto the fltk3 tree, as it won't
> matter of we break the ABI or etc in there...
> > I think I've spent enough time messing with this--I've got what I need
> > for now. I'm going to get back to working on something useful ;-)
> Yeah, cheers!

OK. I know I said I was going to go work on something useful... Well, I
lied. I made a pretty set of Cairo-native boxtypes instead. Behold:


Hopefully I'll get less hate mail about how ugly FLTK is after my next
release ;-)
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