> > OK. I know I said I was going to go work on something useful... Well, I
> > lied.
> No, you didn't ;-)
> > I made a pretty set of Cairo-native boxtypes instead. Behold:
> >
> > http://non-mixer.tuxfamily.org/non-mixer-cairo-theme.png
> That was *very* useful! Looks really pretty good.

Yup - very pretty indeed... Great stuff.

> May we use your code in FLTK (copyright), if we decide to add
> Cairo drawing support, as you did? 

Yes, I guess we'd want agreement to use the fltk-style "LGPLv2 but with static 
linking allowed and derived widgets allowed" waivers - but I think the modified 
code is with the fltk license at present so that'd be OK?

> Should we dump the Cairo
> Window support we have now in favor of (your) full(?) Cairo
> drawing?

Yes, the existing fltk-1.x Cairo stuff only allows you to have a cairo surface 
inside a fltk window, in effect. If we have "cairo all the way down" then that 
would no longer make sense - though it might make sense in some other context 
potentially, though that is easily down in other ways; I quite often draw Cairo 
into a fltk window, but never use the baked-in Cairo support...
So, I don't think we need it and it collides with the "new" cairo stuff, so 
let's think about removing it. (Is it even in fltk3 anyway? I guess not...)

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