Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, looking for votes on which of these
to use:

>               1) ISC style license (eg. open BSD see below)
>               2) Zlib style (see below)
>               3) MIT style (see below)
>               4) GPL2 (Mike's sugg #1, see: 
> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>)
>               5) "New BSD" (Mike's sugg #2, anyone have example text?)

I'm not voting yet, I need time to consider them all.

My goal would be:

        o A copyright notice in our examples
        o Derivative works allowed (commercial or otherwise), with our
          copyright notice not necessarily intact, but recommended.
          If copyright notice removed, acknowledgement is optional
          but recommended (ie. 'This code created with reference to
          FLTK 1.3.x example xyz.cxx')
        o Warranty waiver ("As Is", "We are not responsible..", etc)

My comments on the above options:

     #1) ISC/OpenBSD

         I like it, but not the bit about copyright /must/ be intact,
         which seems to imply derivative works must have it.
         Probably needed to prevent someone from copy/pasting the code,
         then saying "its mine!".. but I think commercial apps should
         not have to cite us.. basically our examples should be
         treated just like documentation examples in my mind, and not
         demonstrate anything too fancy or 'copyrightable'.

     #2) Zlib

         I like section #1. Section #2 is probably OK. Section #3,
         not clear if this applies to derivative works. We should
         clarify. Warranty waiver is good.

     #3) MIT Style

         I like it, except the copyright requirement for derivative works.
         Prefer Zlib's section #1.

     #4) GPL2 -- not sure if this is too restrictive for commercial
         copy+paste or not. Perhaps with exceptions that relax what we don't 
         would be OK. (Similar to our LGPL exceptions..)

     #5) New BSD License
         The example I found was here:
         Again, don't like the copyright requirement (section 1),
         and I don't think any specifics about binaries should be mentioned.
         Warranty waiver fine.

I guess I kinda like Zlib (#2) or MIT(#3). #4(GPL2) if we can settle on 
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