On 16 Feb 2013, at 02:19, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> I guess I kinda like Zlib (#2) or MIT(#3). #4(GPL2) if we can settle on 
> exceptions.

I would vote for zlib (#2) but suggest we add an explicit statement that is is 
OK to take these code examples and incorporate them into your own modules.

I'm not keen on the MIT license these days, and very wary of the GPL, I don't 
think we can really use it for code that we *intend* people to modify without 
attribution, or other "hindrance"!

On the more general note of licenses, I'm coming round to the MPL-2 these days, 
it seems to be a nice balance for things... But again, not appropriate for the 
examples folder I think...

IANAL, as ever...

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