On 22.02.2013 15:46, Patrick wrote:

> I have realized that pretty much everything I like about Ada is
> available from Cobol too and I have recently switched my focus.
> Open Cobol compiles to intermediate C. I was trying to figure out how to
> call back into C++ from C but then I finally realized I could just run
> the C code through a C++ compiler and have code at the same "level" as
> C++ and now I don't think I need to figure out a way to call "up" into C++.

And why would you want to do that? What is it that you can do with
Cobol that is so important? Maybe it's worth looking at it from the
other way aroung: write your GUI (and "main" program) in C++ and call
Cobol-written code for doing whatever "work" your program has to do?

> Having said that, I think that a C binding would really help the project
> and I would like to help, please let me know if I can.

I'm not keen on adding a C binding to the FLTK project. There may
be reasons why someone might want to have one, but you'd lose all
object-oriented features of C++, namely function overloading (even
for "normal" functions) and - IMO *much more important* - inheritance
from predefined FLTK objects (widgets) for your own program. My
FLTK programs have lots of derived classes, and I don't see a way
to do this with a C binding.

That said, if someone would write a library addition (the C binding
or whatever), and if this would require a few changes, additions or
new functions in the FLTK core, I probably wouldn't oppose, as long
as this wouldn't break anything and patches would be supplied. But
I'm only one developer, and we'd have to agree about this. And, to
be clear: I don't think that it is useful to have and support this
C binding in the fltk core, since we'd have to update it whenever we
add or change functions/widgets within the library. This is a similar
problem as our different build systems (make, IDE's, Cmake, etc.).
Too much work for our small team, and if we don't use it ourselves,
then this would easily get out of sync.


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