jseb wrote:
> I've forgotten to mention something very important: i use version 2 of FLTK.

        The FLTK2 test program 'glpuzzle' is a glut app.
        Does it build and run successfully?

        If so, maybe there's something different about the apps you're
        testing vs. that one. (I assume glpuzzle doesn't throw a glutInit() 

> (the only warning comes from FL.H :
> /usr/include/fltk/compat/FL/Fl.H:26:15: attention : unused parameter ‘owner’)

        Hmm, sounds like you might need to do a little more FLTK2 translation
        on that sphere.cxx FLTK1.x example; it seems to still be using FLTK1 
        (fltk/compat/FL/Fl.H) that the FLTK2 compat library are trying to solve 
for you.

        Besides changing the #include's, you probably need to translate
        all those Fl::xxx calls, (eg. Fl::run()). Be sure to change the whole
        app's code to FLTK2 style.

        Maybe show us your FLTK2 translated sphere.cxx file.

        I'm no expert on FLTK2 (many of us here are not),
        but might be able to help.

> Then i can link:
>  g++ sphere.o -o sphere.elf -lfltk2 -lfltk2_gl -lGL -lglut

        It looks like you're following correct linking that FLTK2's
        "fltk/glut.h" recommends:

// FLTK does not include the GLUT drawing functions (such as
// glutWireTeapot()) or the stroke fonts but the declarations for the
// drawing functions are included here because otherwise there is no
// way to get them along with this.  To use them you will have to
// link in the original GLUT library, put -lglut *after* -lfltk2.

        ..in particular, the -lglut specified after -lfltk2,
        so that's probably right, based on those docs. Hrm.
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