On 08.04.2011 15:38, Denton Thomas wrote:
> I am having trouble wrapping in a multiline input. The stock test/input 
> program does not wrap,

it does for me

> and my test doesn't either (below).

It does for me, too.

> I need to create a multiline input,


> set its type() to FL_MULTILINE_INPUT

no, this is implied (but doesn't matter)

> and wrap(1), right?


> I'm stumped. Many thanks for the guidance.

Hmm, since it works (wraps words) for me, what do you

And which FLTK version are we talking about? You mention
"r8441 and r8570" - is this FLTK 1.3 ?

BTW.: Your test program is fine, but it would have been even
better, if you had posted it with the #include statements.

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Multiline_Input.H>

> int main (int argc, char ** argv)
> {
>    Fl_Window *window;
>    Fl_Multiline_Input *multi_;
>    window = new Fl_Window (600, 400);
>    multi_ = new Fl_Multiline_Input(10, 10, 100, 100, "stock");
>    multi_->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT);
>    //also fails w/ FL_MULTILINE_INPUT_WRAP ... :\
>    multi_->type(FL_MULTILINE_INPUT);

The above statement is redundant.

>    multi_->wrap(1);
>    window->end ();
>    window->show (argc, argv);
>    return(Fl::run());
> }

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