On 11/14/11 08:26, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> On 11/13/11 23:34, Mathieu Peyréga wrote:
>> I'm using a Fl_Choice widget which is located at the very bottom of a 
>> fullscreen window.
>> The issue is that when the list is showing up, it is shown "downward" and 
>> thus not in the window which makes it practically unusable. Is there a way 
>> to change this behaviour ?
>> I guess I have to go directly in Fl_Choice code... Where should I look ?
>       Assuming its not a bug..
>       When the Fl_Choice menu runs off the edge of the screen,
>       you still should be able to move the mouse to the screen
>       edge, and it should auto-scroll.
>       If it's not, let us know which platform and which specific
>       version of fltk. (fltk 1.3.0, or 1.3.x svn current)

    BTW, while running the test/menubar app to test the above,
    I noticed some other problems with how menus open which I've
    reported in STR #2770:
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