On 12/25/11 01:41, Christophe Geuzaine wrote:
>    OK, just checked in r9216 which should optimize Fl_Tree
>>    quite a bit. David, please give it a try:

> There's one little bug though: the "connections" between
> the items are sometimes missing. To reproduce:
> launch test/tree
> set "Line style" to "Dotted" or "Solid"
> open the "Ascending" and "Descending" items
> scroll down
> Look how the lines connecting ROOT, Bbb, etc. disappear/reappear
> when you scroll up and down.

   Ah, good catch.
   I should be able to fix that easily; will follow up -- thanks!

Greg Ercolano, e...@seriss.com
Seriss Corporation
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