On 25 Dec 2011, at 02:24, Greg Ercolano wrote:

> On 12/23/11 11:06, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>> On 12/22/11 12:27, David FLEURY wrote:
>>> You are right, I will see for a Tree Item solution, to avoid regression 
>>> somewhere else.
>>> I do not know well enough fltk to have any opinion on this subject.
>>> Just try to make my tests work for my own configuration.
>>      I was noodling with creating an Fl_Tree of 65536 in size,
>>      and I can definitely see some room for optimization;
>>      adding elements is slow, and scrolling elements is slow.
>>      I'll see if I can take a stab at optimizing that so that
>>      adding elements is quicker, and also changing the draw()
>>      routine so that it only draws items that are within the window.
>    OK, just checked in r9216 which should optimize Fl_Tree
>    quite a bit. David, please give it a try:
>       Adding items in a large linear list should be quite a bit
>        faster now; the slowness was due to repeat calls to find_child()
>        unnecessarily to figure out the insert point, which was causing
>        the exponential slowness.
>       Drawing items should be much faster and should not suffer
>       the wraparound issues described, because now draw() only draws
>       items whose y() positions are within the Fl_Tree xywh area.
>   I tested with the following code that creates 100k items
>   which is entirely unusable in r9215 and lower, but should be
>   quite normal in r9216 and up.
>   There is still a practical limit on the number of items that
>   can be in the tree; draw() will still /consider/ (ie. do calculations
>   on) items that are not hidden (ie. open() and visible()), but at least
>   it won't try to /draw/ items unless they're inside the window.

Hi Greg - Just tested the new version, it works great! There's one little bug 
though: the "connections" between the items are sometimes missing. To reproduce:

launch test/tree
set "Line style" to "Dotted" or "Solid"
open the "Ascending" and "Descending" items
scroll down

Look how the lines connecting ROOT, Bbb, etc. disappear/reappear when you 
scroll up and down.


> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <FL/Fl.H>
> #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
> #include <FL/Fl_Tree.H>
> int main( int argc, char **argv) {
>   Fl_Double_Window *w = new Fl_Double_Window(900,300);
>   Fl_Tree          *b = new Fl_Tree(10,10,w->w()-20,w->h()-20);
>   char s[80];
>   for ( int t=0; t<60000; t++ )
>   {
>       sprintf(s, "Entry #%06d", t);
>       b->add(s);
>       if ( t % 50 == 0 ) printf("Working on %d\n", t);
>   }
>   w->resizable(b);
>   w->end();
>   w->show();
>   return(Fl::run());
> }
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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