On 03.07.2012, at 18:24, fltk.orib wrote:

>> Note that the usual place to create the offscreen
>> is in a draw method, so the gc will always be valid
>> in that case.
>> Not sure what to do in your example though.
> Indeed, I'm actually using fltk for generating server side images (jpeg, bmp, 
> png) for a backend. FLTK is really easy to use, and fits the bill perfectly. 
> I'm using it on the client side for similar uses, so right now it is easier 
> for me to run the server side with a virtual X framebuffer session (to 
> provide the gc), then e.g. switch to gd. But I hope there's a way around it.
> I suspect getting rid of the X framebuffer requirements is going to be a 
> problem, but I still hope.

Which reminds me again of the render plugin that I wanted to write for RGB 
buffers - sigh ;-) never enough time. It's not very hard to do, but very handy, 
and it would solve your problem without relying on X11 (or any other UI for 
that matter).
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