On 3 Jul 2012, at 17:24, fltk.orib <f...@orib.net> wrote:

>> How about cheating? Create a 1x1 window at
>> some x,y that is outside the visible and base
>> the gc on that?
> That may work. I'd also need to figure out how to make that single window not 
> appear on task bars etc. Does anyone know how to to that for a top-level 
> window? (IIRC, FLTK requires a non-tool top level window to be the parent of 
> a tool one)

I'm away from any real computers for a while so can not check... But does 
setting the borderless property on an Fl_Window not also "hide" it from 
appearing in the toolbar (at least on most WM's anyway) ?

Sent, much to my surprise, from my iPhone

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