On 10/13/12 18:34, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> On 10/12/12 15:53, LZAntal wrote:
>> When I startup demo or fluid from the terminal everything I type into input
>> fields goes to the terminal instead the input field.
> [..]
>       The behavior you describe with terminal input sounds like what one gets
>       when the binary doesn't have the resource forks assigned to it, and/or
>       isn't packaged as a ".app". I haven't seen that issue in a long time
>       For the app in question that has the issue (let's assume it's 
> "./input"),
>       perhaps try running: ["Rez" approach snipped]

   Oh, and are you trying to run the app from the Finder, or from the terminal?
   It might work normally if you run it from the terminal.

   If run from the Finder, instead of using the Rez approach I just posted,
   it's better to create a Mac ".app" bundle using "fltk-config --post".

   So for example to make a .app bundle for the input program:

        cd test
        ../fltk-config --post ./input

   This will create a "input.app" version of the input program.
   Basically this is a subdirectory that shows up in the Finder
   as a normal executable, and when you click on it, it should open
   up normally without the problem you describe.

   This is a mac specific thing that all GUI applications on Macs
   have to have for them to work correctly from the Finder/Desktop.
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