siaswar tompani schrieb:
> How can I compile my projects in eclipse. It can't find th fl librarys.
> I can Compile in command line so it is not mingw issue

Select your project, than go to [File]->[Properties]->"C/C++ Build" -> 

"GCC/MinGW C++ Compiler - Includes" there must be a path to FLTK header 
files, e.g. "c:\fltk", "/usr/local/include".

"GCC/MinGW C++ Linker - Libraries" there must be the Libraries filled in 
(eg. fltk, fltk_images), also the library search path, e.g. 
"c:\fltk\lib", "/usr/local/lib".

Also there must be some additional libraries entered (more or less 
depends from you project):

Linux: Xft, fontconfig, Xinerama, Xext, freetype, pthread, dl, m, X11, Xpm

Windows: pthread, ole32, uuid, comctl32, wsock32

For MS-Windows you need to enter in addition:

"MinGW C++Linker - Miscellaneous - Linker flags": -mwindows
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