On 2013-01-14 16:32:03 -0500, Ian MacArthur said:

>> Is there an easy way to render a "standard" window to an image? It'd> 
>> greatly streamline testing if I could do comparisons in the app itself.
> It's pretty easy to make a group that just renders to an offscreen 
> buffer, then blit that buffer content
> onto another surface for display... I'll dig about, I think I have code 
> for that somewhere...

Turned out not to need the offscreen buffer, just read_image() was 
perfect for what I was doing. I now have a test application that shows 
the per-pixel difference between the OpenGL driver and whatever the 
"native" driver is.

> Maintaining portability, particularly when we have to play well with 
> the MS tools, and various embedded toolchains, means a pretty 
> conservative "lowest common denominator" approach plays out best.

Reasonable, but I find lambdas and some other C++11 features to be 
major improvements that have been long overdue in C++, and particularly 
useful in UI code, and any new projects I start are likely to make use 
of C++11. This library uses a mixin to overlay the lambda-friendly 
interface without modifications to FLTK itself.

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