> > One trivial observation is that the use of FLU / flu as a namespace
> > confused me, since there is already a (fltk-1.1) third-party add-onn
> > lib called FLU, that I used to use quite a lot!
> I was inspired by a moderate fever at the time, and evidently didn't
> check thoroughly enough for existing uses. I'm open to suggestions for
> other names.

I don't think the FLU stuff is actively maintained, nor do I know how widely 
used it is: I used to use it a lot, but many of the features I liked eventually 
appeared in the core libs...

I guess we don't care what the namespace you set is though, so long as folk can 
spot what it relates to...!

> > Oh, now that's a thought - for the embedded targets, an EGL driver
> > rather than a GL one, might be really neat too...
> That reminds me...with an OpenGL driver, widgets can be drawn in any
> OpenGL context, from GLUT, SDL, etc. Event handling is another matter,
> though. Is there a simple way to feed FLTK events from an outside
> framework, rather than using its internal native code? Some of these
> other frameworks have rather more sophisticated and complete interfaces
> for setting up OpenGL contexts. (BTW, I noticed multisampling support
> was lacking from the OS X code...it's straightforward to add, see
> https://github.com/cjameshuff/fltkstuff/blob/master/src/pixfmt.cpp)

Can probably cobble something together using Fl::add_handler() and have that 
parse the incoming events, perhaps?

> Also, it seems that fltk3::gl_visual() has no effect on the settings
> GLWindows use...this was not what I expected.

I dunno... I can't recall using it - was it not meant to make "normal" windows 
have the same config as the GL windows or something? 

Someone must know, but it sure is not me!

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