On Monday, August 9, 2010, I wrote:
> XG defaults and recommends channel #10 as the drum channel. Other channels
> may be used as drum channels when CC#32=127 is received on any channel.
> What I'm proposing is to fix *NOW* the broken behavior that is plaguing
> FluidSynth-1.1.x converting any melodic channel into a drum channel when a
> CC#32=1 is received in a channel. This behavior doesn't correspond to any
> standard. It is utterly wrong.

It is CC#0 instead of CC#32 in both sentences. The correct information is:

XG defaults and recommends channel #10 as the drum channel. Other channels
may be used as drum channels when CC#0=127 is received on any channel.

What I'm proposing is to fix *NOW* the broken behavior that is plaguing
FluidSynth-1.1.x converting any melodic channel into a drum channel when a
CC#0=1 is received in a channel. This behavior doesn't correspond to any
standard. It is utterly wrong.

Sorry, my mistake. 


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