On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
<pedro.lopez.cabanil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sounds good.  Does it make sense to have separate midi.bank-select and
>> a midi.mode setting though?  Why not just make it midi.mode and then
>> we can add additional functionality on to it in the future?  That was
>> how it had been implemented previously in SVN.
> I thought about that, and decided that I prefer two separate settings. In this
> way, the current setting name (finally "synth.midi-bank-select") is a clear
> hint that it doesn't try to offer anything else than the bank select mode. We
> can offer later a "midi.mode" setting, with broader meaning and of course
> more functionalities, that overrides the bank-select setting.
> Regards,
> Pedro

It seems like it would just add confusion in the long run, an
additional redundant setting and the need to synchronize
midi-bank-select with the MIDI mode setting, once real MIDI mode
handling is added.  I don't see an issue with stating that midi.mode
just determines the bank select mode for now, with additional
compatibility features to be added in the future.  Anyone else have
any opinions on this?


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