On Tuesday, August 10, 2010, David Henningsson wrote:
> 2010-08-10 08:01, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas skrev:
> > On Tuesday, August 10, 2010, Elimar Green wrote:
> >> It seems simple enough to revert the behavior to 1.0.9 functionality.
> >> This should work fine in most cases, as far as the whole MSB is
> >> actually LSB when only the MSB is received.
> >>
> >> I can understand David wanting to release ASAP, since he has been
> >> waiting for a while to do so.  But I think the behavior of the bank
> >> switching should be dealt with, since I see it as being pretty trivial
> >> to fix and a significant enough of an issue.  This doesn't mean
> >> implementing the MIDI mode setting at this time.  It simply just needs
> >> to be reverted to the previous behavior, which means that if only the
> >> MSB is received prior to a Program Change, then it should be
> >> interpreted as LSB.  If both MSB and LSB are received, they should
> >> combine to select the bank (once the Program Change is received) as
> >> MSB * 128 + LSB.  In cases where a MIDI file or device is expecting GS
> >> behavior, I don't think it would ever send an LSB message.  So this
> >> logic should work in all MIDI modes.  There were no complaints about
> >> this in 1.0.9 and previous.
> >>
> >> Lets put off the MIDI mode switching logic, SYSEX interpretation, etc.
> >>  The code has already been implemented and could be taken from SVN
> >> history, but it would need to be integrated with the new code base,
> >> tested, etc.
> >>
> >> How does that sound?
> >>
> >> Elimar
> >
> > I agree that we can leave the SYSEX stuff for a future release, avoiding
> > the risk of spend too much time implementing and testing this feature. In
> > addition to your code, I've included similar functionality in kmidimon.
> >
> > I disagree with simply reverting to 1.0.9, because adding a new
> > setting "midi.bank-select" with several options is easy enough, and may
> > be needed for accurate playback of different songs. In my opinion, the
> > default should be the awe32 mode, as recommended by the appendix 1 of the
> > SF2 standard.
> Fair enough, go ahead. I would say we skip the "awe32" alias though, I
> think it causes confusion to have two setting values doing the same thing.

Done, in SVN revision 340. Please test.


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