Hi All,

Based on my experience using Netlify to add content to the SJRK website, I have 
found it very limiting in terms of what I can do without having to include some 
combination of markup and markdown (and asking for help :) ). And I really 
haven’t attempted anything very complicated (adding headings, text and images 
with captions and descriptions). Which has been ok but I’d say doesn’t meet the 
requirement of “Ease of contribution for non-developers” and I think makes more 
work in the end. But I can’t tell if those limitations are purely Netlify or if 
if they stem from how we’ve set it up in this instance, or more likely a 
combination of both (?)

I’ve also found it challenging to be adding content when I have no control over 
layout or styling. But others may not care about that. I found myself making 
layout/design choices based on what I could make work with Netlify, which is 
extremely limiting. From my understanding of Wordpress this wouldn’t be an 
issue? Or at least, somewhat less of an issue?

And looking at many of the other requirements on Gregor’s list, from my 
experience I don’t think Netlify will meet our needs.


On Aug 15, 2019, at 9:03 AM, Zimmerman, Ned 
<nzimmer...@ocadu.ca<mailto:nzimmer...@ocadu.ca>> wrote:

This one is! 

Ned Zimmerman
Senior Inclusive Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

From: Justin Obara <obara.jus...@gmail.com<mailto:obara.jus...@gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 1:02 PM
To: "Zimmerman, Ned" <nzimmer...@ocadu.ca<mailto:nzimmer...@ocadu.ca>>
Cc: Fluid Work <fluid-w...@fluidproject.org<mailto:fluid-w...@fluidproject.org>>
Subject: Re: Which CMS to use for new site?

Any chance that’s available on LinkedIn Learning? Those of us working at OCAD 
will have access to that.


On Aug 15, 2019, at 11:53 AM, Zimmerman, Ned 
<nzimmer...@ocadu.ca<mailto:nzimmer...@ocadu.ca>> wrote:

If we do go with WordPress, I would recommend that the developers working on 
the project start looking at React and maybe we get a team subscription to 

I know Zac and I think I can get us a discount if that’s something we want to 

Ned Zimmerman
Senior Inclusive Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

From: fluid-work 
 on behalf of "Harnum, Alan" <ahar...@ocadu.ca<mailto:ahar...@ocadu.ca>>
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 12:12 PM
To: "Moss, Gregor" <gm...@ocadu.ca<mailto:gm...@ocadu.ca>>, Fluid Work 
Subject: RE: Which CMS to use for new site?

Gregor - thanks for the very useful summary. My initial thoughts:

  *   My impression of Netlify CMS from brief exploration is that it’s not 
substantially more friendly to people who don’t know Markdown than simply using 
Markdown. Other who have used it more extensively may be able to comment more.
  *   I will second Jon’s point: “There’s a good chance the new IDRC site will 
run on its given platform for much longer than anticipated.”
  *   If we feel the features of a CMS are necessary, I would advocate going 
with Wordpress as a well-known open source project.
  *   I would also suggest we consider whether or not a well-designed 
Hugo-based site with workflows and documentation for contribution might 
suffice. We could explore making use of Netlify CMS in this context.
  *   I would also add as a minimum requirement that any CMS we choose must be 
accessible or have the capability to be made accessible. I feel Wordpress 
(despite the recent Gutenberg issues) is probably in a much better spot for 
this than Netlify CMS.
  *   I think it’s also important to note for this conversation that Netlify 
CMS is an open-source project (https://www.netlifycms.org/) based on some of 
the code used for the commercial Netlify service (https://www.netlify.com/) – 
the relationship is, roughly speaking, the same as the one between the 
Wordpress open-source project and https://wordpress.com/

From: fluid-work 
 On Behalf Of Moss, Gregor
Sent: August 14, 2019 4:31 PM
To: Fluid Work <fluid-w...@fluidproject.org<mailto:fluid-w...@fluidproject.org>>
Subject: Which CMS to use for new site?

Hi all,

We’re getting started on designs and planning the work for a couple of new 
sites here at the IDRC (the IDRC site https://idrc.ocadu.ca/ and a redesign of 
the ILDHhttps://handbook.floeproject.org/), and we’d love to get some feedback 
from you on which content management system you think would be best. Content on 
these sites won’t be changing too often, about once every month or two.

Some minimum requirements in no particular order:

  *   Content searching either built in or easily added and maintained
  *   Tagging and/or other metadata capabilities
  *   Ease of contribution for non-developers
  *   Potential for contributions from outside users (much like the Fluid Wiki 
and Jira)
  *   Free (as in beer), and ideally FOSS
  *   Fully customizable in terms of markup and styling on a page-by-page basis
  *   Minimal intervention from an infrastructure perspective

We’ve been looking primarily at WordPress (https://wordpress.org/) and Netlify 
CMS (https://www.netlifycms.org/).

My questions to each of you:

  *   Do you have any arguments for or against either of these two options?
  *   Do you have any other CMS’s you would recommend checking out?
  *   Do you have any other advice?

Personally, I’m partial to Netlify CMS due to its seemingly lightweight setup, 
performance and the potential for integrating Infusion if we would like any 
features from there. It runs on the JAMstack, which means that server responses 
will be much quicker (among other benefits). On the other hand, Netlify is 
pretty fresh and finding support, plugins or articles on SO won’t be as easy 
while WordPress has been around for over 15 years and has a fairly healthy 
support community.

Cheers and thanks,
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