>They put very few small press writers in that magazine. Most publish with
>houses. There's a very big "small press" movement going on in this
>country. There are
>a lot of great writers who get ignored by Bomb. It's almost like you have
>to live in
>New York or write poetry that lacks guts in order to get in there. It's
>the same with
>the fiction.

As for Bomb itis a case of limited space and even less money as well as an
editorial  concerned with what might today beconsidered a sense of quality
in which intellect, skill and something to say is  more important than guts
-- Also I would like to remind you that many artists, writers and Musicians
recieved their first exposure in Bombs pages. Is it our fault they went on
to commercial and critical success.  And because itis about what artists do
and say, Bomb publishes no criticism.

Saul Ostrow
Art Editor, BombMAgazine

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