
a local group of "fluxus artist"
will have an event against xenofobia

i will do a performance called  "e-mail-art my body away"
this is: i will scann my naked body in 20 parts
& send to 20 people by e-mail to all over the world

perhaps, someone of fluxlisters people
want to received a "piece of me" (an image, of course)
& return a copy with a tatoo (of any kind) over "my skin"
taking part in the performance in a remote way.

that's it: if you received an image of one arm (by example)
you can add a "tatoo" to the image & send back
the same day (preferible) or later (is welcome),
the idea is to "reconstruct" the body with the pieces we get in return.

later we will publish the experience in the museum web site.
& printed copies to remote participants by snail-mail

the event will be in the museo of contemporary art of maracay
the next november 29-00

who want to participate
send a message to me with your private e-mail
& your address.

ps: please, forward this mail to other people
you thing could be interested in participate.
thanks in advance

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