having tagged (graffitied) many a wall and paint myself
        frequently (today red blue black face & hands & arms  with
        of own invention called "chiroglyphs")
        well  my clothes etc
        & about anything else can get away with
                of course 
i will
be happy to "tattoo you"!

        dave baptiste chirot
        2515 N. Oakland #106
        Milwaukee, WI 53211

        onwo/ards! on body wo/ards!

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Terrence Kosick wrote:

> Terrence writes;
> totally interested!
> Terrence Kosick
> 103-980 West 22nd Ave
> Vancouver B.C.
> Canada V5Z-2A1
> T.
> "narvis & ...pez" wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > a local group of "fluxus artist"
> > will have an event against xenofobia
> >
> > i will do a performance called  "e-mail-art my body away"
> > this is: i will scann my naked body in 20 parts
> > & send to 20 people by e-mail to all over the world
> >
> > perhaps, someone of fluxlisters people
> > want to received a "piece of me" (an image, of course)
> > & return a copy with a tatoo (of any kind) over "my skin"
> > taking part in the performance in a remote way.
> >
> > that's it: if you received an image of one arm (by example)
> > you can add a "tatoo" to the image & send back
> > the same day (preferible) or later (is welcome),
> > the idea is to "reconstruct" the body with the pieces we get in return.
> >
> > later we will publish the experience in the museum web site.
> > & printed copies to remote participants by snail-mail
> >
> > the event will be in the museo of contemporary art of maracay
> > the next november 29-00
> >
> > who want to participate
> > send a message to me with your private e-mail
> > & your address.
> >
> > ...pez
> > ps: please, forward this mail to other people
> > you thing could be interested in participate.
> > thanks in advance

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