thank you allen for having the courage to through the bull____  out of the
barn. now lets all have a very creative and happy 2003.

cheers, carol  :)

allen bukoff wrote:

> Open the windows, let some stale air out, let some fresh air in.
> I swear I don't know what has gotten into me...abusing power like this.
> Maybe 2003 is a time to renew Fluxlist.
>  >>>>  Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 16:04:12 -0800
>  >>>>  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >>>>  Subject: Majordomo results: remove eric anderson & st auby tamas
>  >>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Succeeded.
>  >>>>
>  >>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxx remove FLUXLIST [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Succeeded.
>  >>>>

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