> I hope people who do not agree with these changes will simply leave the
> list.  Go find or start another one.  Email discussion groups are not a
> limited resource.
What happen if they don't? will you invite them to leave, as you've just
done with Eric and Tamas?
What I mean is that I'm not willing to leave this list, nor am I to agree
with your decision.
What surprises me is how much the logorrheic delirium of Mr. Death have
brought us so close to what he was denouncing: dictatorial behavior and
I don't say you've been dictatorial in doing what you did, and you may have
done it for good reasons, that you explained very precisely in some
following posts, I just want to point out that having get us rid of Mr.
Death, seems to have suddenly freed everyone so much that we're all ready to
expell anyone that sounds different.
I agree with Owen, that we should (or at least you should, as I'm not
amongst the owners, so, in fact, I can't do anything about that) be more
carefull with resigning people.
The fact that Eric and Tamas can be rough or aggressive or cynical on the
list, the fact that Ken chose to leave the list after his long flame with
Eric, has nothing to do with what happened during Mr. Death sabotage
attempt: Mr.Death had nothing to say apart of the little rhetoric tricks he
repeated ad libitum, which have never been the case of Eric and Tamas.
We may all feel better, in this purificated air -which is much different
than pure air-but I'm sure we all know that purification, has nothing to do
with freedom, democracy and creativity, and much to do with totalitarism,
ploutocracy and academism.
We should all step back a bit, instead of congratulating each other with the
wonderful weather we have now on this list while beating our breasts to
afraid the potential enemys.
First firing Mr. Death
Then Eric and Tamas
Then preventing any new subscriber to come
what will be the next step?


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